Discipline or Dismissal of Students
*please refer to the Student Judiciary Boards (SJB) & Peer Review Board (PRB) for additional information.The College uses the preponderance of evidence standard [more likely than not] as a guide when involved in the discipline or dismissal of students. With sufficient cause, the College will opt to protect the community rather than find undeniable proof of a serious violation of College Policy. The College’s policy with respect to discipline or dismissal of students (on other than academic grounds) is as follows:
A. On-Campus Activities: A student is subject to discipline or dismissal for their activities if the student interferes with the College’s academic or administrative functions or with free speech; uses violence or the threat of violence; disrupts community living on campus; or violates a specific written policy of the College.
B. Off-Campus Activities: A student is subject to discipline or dismissal for off-campus activities: (a) when they are related to the College’s academic or administrative functions (b) demonstrates egregious or persistent behaviors not commensurate with College policies or (c) constitute a danger to others on campus or in the local community.
C. Limitations: Whether official non-College action has been taken or is likely to be taken against the student and whether such non-College action is likely to be effective in deterring similar conduct by the student in the future are factors that will be considered in determining whether discipline or dismissal should be imposed in a particular case. In all cases it is understood that the College’s function is educational and not penal.
D. Student Illness: Nothing in this statement of policy should be construed as limiting the right of the College to exclude from the campus students who by reason of serious physical or mental illness constitute a danger to others on campus or are otherwise incapable of continuing to function as responsible members of the College community. When there are reasonable grounds to believe that a student’s health is so impaired, the College may insist that the student be examined by appropriate medical professionals.
E. Enforcement: Safety and Security Officers, Residence Life & Housing Staff, members of the Dean of Student Affairs Office, Student Activities and other staff members are authorized to enforce College policy. All are authorized to enter a student’s room with reasonable grounds when entry is considered essential to the enforcement of serious violations of College policy, particularly in situations believed to pose immediate harm. Students are expected to display appropriate IDs to College personnel upon request.
The Dean of Student Affairs Office maintains disciplinary records for 7 years after the student has graduated or left the College. Records can be obtained by contacting the Dean of Student Affairs Office at dosa@bard.edu or by calling 845-758-7454. A release must be signed for all requests.