Bard Faculty News
Bill Martin
Faculty, Language and Thinking Program
Biography: Bill Martin (B.A., University of Iowa; M.A., University of Texas at Austin; Ph.D. candidate, University of Chicago) is a Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Literature at the University of Chicago,where he is writing a dissertation on film comedy under state socialism in
East Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. He is also a translator, from German and Polish, and book publications include *Lovetown* by Michal
Witkowski (Portobello 2010, nominated for the Independent Best Foreign
Fiction Prize 2011), *Emil and the Detectives* by Erich Kästner (Overlook 2007), and *Farewells to Plasma* by Natasza Goerke (Twisted Spoon 2002). He is the recipient of an NEA translation fellowship and DAAD and
Fulbright-Hayes scholarships. He has taught in the College at the University
of Chicago, in the M.A. Program in the Humanities there, and in the Writing
Program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In 2010-2011, he
taught World Literature in Bard's three-quarter Clemente Program in the
Humanities in Queens, New York.
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