Bard Faculty News
Daniel Williams
Assistant Professor of Literature
Primary Academic Program: Literature
Academic Program Affiliation(s): Environmental Studies, Victorian Studies
Biography: Daniel Williams works at the intersection of literature, the history of science, and the environmental humanities in 19th-century Britain and contemporary South and Southern Africa. Before coming to Bard, he was Lecturer in English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University and a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows. His current book project explores uncertainty as a phenomenon in the 19th-century British novel, understood in the context of developments in science, philosophy, and the law. He is also at work on a second book project about weather, climate, and social representation in 19th-century literature and science. His articles and reviews have appeared in venues such as ELH, Novel, Public Books, Studies in the Novel, Victorian Studies, Victorian Literature and Culture, Victorian Poetry, Nineteenth-Century Contexts, Modern Language Notes, Comparative Literary Studies, Genre, Anglia, and Safundi, as well as in edited collections including The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence and The Oxford Handbook of Law and Humanities. He coedited a special issue of Poetics Today on “Logic and Literary Form,” and coedits the “19th-Century Networks” section for the journal Literature Compass.AB, Harvard College; MPhil, University of Cambridge, Magdalene College; PhD, Harvard University. At Bard since 2019.
Phone: 845-758-7193Website:
Location: Fairbairn
Office: 306