Bard Faculty News
Eban Goodstein
Director, Center for Environmental Policy; Director and faculty, Bard MBA in Sustainability
Primary Academic Program: Bard Center for Environmental Policy
Biography: B.A., Williams College; Ph.D., University of Michigan. Prior to Directing the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, Goodstein had a 20-year career as a Professor of Economics at Lewis & Clark and Skidmore Colleges. From 2006-2009, Goodstein led the National teach-In on Global Warming Solutions, coordinating educational events at over 2500 colleges, universities, high schools and other institutions across the country. Goodstein is the author of a college textbook, Economics and the Environment, (John Wiley and Sons: 2007) now in its fifth edition, as well as The Trade-off Myth: Fact and Fiction about Jobs and the Environment. (Island Press: 1999). His most recent book is Fighting for Love in the Century of Extinction: How Passion and Politics Can Stop Global Warming (University Press of New England: 2007). Articles by Goodstein have appeared in among other outlets, The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Land Economics, Ecological Economics, and Environmental Management. His research has been featured in The New York Times, Scientific American, Time, Chemical and Engineering News, The Economist, USA Today, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. He serves on the editorial board of Sustainability: The Journal of Record and Environment, Workplace and Employment, is on the Steering Committee of Economics for Equity & the Environment, and is a Member Scholar at the Center for Progressive Reform.Contact:
Phone: 845-758-7067Website:
Department: Bard Center for Environmental Policy