Bard Faculty News
Lucas G. Pinheiro
Assistant Professor of Political Studies
Primary Academic Program: Politics
Biography: Professor Pinheiro’s research connects political thought and critical theory to social and intellectual history by focusing on the development of global capitalism, empire, racial slavery, and abolition in the Atlantic world since the late 17th century. Other areas of interest include the history of political thought, contemporary political theory, critical theory, and politics and aesthetics. His current book project, Factories of Modernity: Political Thought in the Capitalist Epoch, recasts the factory system as a decisive stage for social, economic, and political ideas and practices in Britain and its Atlantic colonies between 1688 and 1807. From this historical study, he developed a long-range conceptual framework for understanding modern capitalism and confronting its enduring patterns of discipline, racialization, and inequality at contemporary workplaces like Google and Amazon. Pinheiro is also currently coediting a collection of essays by political theorists and historians titled Intellectual Histories of Global Capitalism, which was the subject of a two-part conference held at the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society at the University of Chicago in January and June 2022. Publications also include the article “A Factory Afield: Capitalism and Empire in John Locke’s Political Economy,” in Modern Intellectual History (2022); and reviews and essays in Political Theory, Perspectives on Politics, Contemporary Political Theory, and Disability and Political Theory. He previously served as postdoctoral fellow at Dartmouth College and postdoctoral teaching fellow at the University of Chicago.BA, University of British Columbia; MPhil, University of Cambridge; MA, PhD, University of Chicago; additional studies, Sciences-Po Paris, certificate du Programme d’Échange. At Bard since 2022.
Website: https://www.lucasgpinheiro.comEmail: