Bard Faculty News
Nuruddin Farah
Distinguished Professor of Literature
Primary Academic Program: Literature
Academic Program Affiliation(s): Africana Studies, Human Rights
Biography: Somali novelist, essayist, playwright, screenwriter. Educated at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. Works include two trilogies, Variations on the Theme of an African Dictatorship and Blood in the Sun, and several novels, novellas, short stories, plays. International prizes include the Premio Cavour (Italy), the Kurt Tucholsky Prize (Sweden), the Lettre Ulysses Award (Berlin), and the Neustadt International Prize for Literature. In recent years he has been a perennial nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature. At Bard: 2010–11; 2013– 16.Contact:
Phone: 845-758-7210Email:
Location: Aspinwall
Office: 201