Bard Faculty News
Suzanne Vromen
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Biography: Licence ès Sciences Sociales and Première Licence ès Sciences Economiques, University of Brussels, Belgium; M.Sc., urban planning, Columbia University; M.A., Ph.D., sociology, New York University. National Endowment for the Humanities summer seminars (1976, 1984), summer stipend (1988). Fulbright Senior Specialist Grants (2004, 2006). Author: Hidden Children of the Holocaust: Belgian Nuns and Their Daring Rescue of Young Jews from the Nazis (Oxford University Press, 2008). Essays in Diverse Histories of American Sociology (Brill, 2005); Jewry Between Tradition and Secularism (Brill, 2006); Sociology Confronts the Holocaust (Duke University Press, 2007). Articles on Hannah Arendt, Georg Simmel, Rose Coser, Maurice Halbwachs, social theory, collective memory, and nostalgia in European Journal of Political Theory, History of European Ideas, Jewish Women in America, Comparative Social Research, Journal of Arts Management, others. Cofounder (1979) and coordinator (1982–90) of Women’s Studies Program, Bard College. (1978–2000) Professor Emeritus of Sociology.Email: