Samadhi Center 24/7 Peer HotlineCertified Recovery Peer Advocates available to help for any addiction emergency and peer counseling. Call 1-855-726-2344
https://samadhiny.orgEllenville Regional's Rural Health Network Supplying Narcan kits and fentanyl test strips!
Email or Call: 845-807-7564
Our Wellness Collective Offers individual, family and community member recovery support services. They are hosting the following meetings online during the COVID19 crisis. Meetings are free and everyone is welcome!
Harm Reduction Works (HRW) Zoom MeetingMondays @ 12:00pm
Family Member Support & Education Group Zoom Meeting Tuesdays @ 6:30pm Step One Child & Family Guidance Center Addiction Services provides treatment programs to chemically dependent persons and their significant others. They are currently providing group and individual therapy via telemedicine.
845-691-9191 or 845-647-5400 Catholic Charities Catholic Charities has Peer Advocates, and a full-service treatment and recovery center, that can help you begin your healing, whenever you are ready. Treatment services at Catholic Charities chemical dependency clinics will be available by telephone only. All in-person services and group programs are suspended until further notice. Telemedicine will be utilized to provide medication-assisted treatment.
Emergency Line- Substance Use Crisis Line Ulster/Sullivan Counties 845-467-0861 ORACLE TeamUC Sheriff’s Opioid Response Team
Catholic Charities Center of Treatment Innovation (COTI)Peer Services, Clinical Services, Mobile Program
Kingston 845-340-9170 x 3072, 845-754-4944, 845-395-8129 virtual meeting place with many types of mutual aid groups, and support meetings such as; AA, SMART Recovery, Refuge Recovery, and Recovery Dharma meetings.
NEXTDistro.orgNEXT is a FREE mail order harm reduction supply resource that mails confidential supplies directly to your home. This includes Narcan, Clean Syringes, Fentanyl Test Strips, and more.
jamie@NEXTDistro.orgMyRecoveryLink.comOffering virtual recovery meetings, recovery yoga, cross-fit, guided meditation, and more.
Recoveryspeakers.comOffering 12 Step recovery speakers meetings
AA Meetings Online (NY)
Remote AA meetings Star - NA Zoom MeetingsMonday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday @ 7:00pm & Wednesday at 8:00pm
Zoom: Friends of RecoveryLinks to several online personal recovery and resources for families County AA Meetings Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project (CHAMP)New York State hotline that will assist with insurance issues and denials
This is not a complete list of services. If you know of a service or wish to add your service to this list please contact