Student Activities Presents
Life Drawing at Bard
Fisher Studio Arts Building
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm EDT/GMT-4
The goal of life drawing is to quickly capture a model’s pose, anatomy, and relationship to space. At the same time, it’s about experimenting with mediums and materials to best express the mood and feeling of what you’re seeing in front of you. Life drawing is a challenging but satisfying way to learn and improve your skills. It is also a varied practice, a session can start with one-minute poses and end with a 30-minute pose. This versatility helps develop different skill sets. Studio Arts majors and people with no previous experience are welcome!5:00 pm – 6:00 pm EDT/GMT-4
For more information, call 845-758-6822.
Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm EDT/GMT-4
Location: Fisher Studio Arts Building