Levy Economics Institute and OSUN Present
OSUN EDI - Levy Summer Workshop Application Deadline
10:00 pm EST/GMT-5
Summer Workshop in Money, Finance, and Public Policy
The Open Society University Network (OSUN) Economic Democracy Initiative welcomes undergraduate applications for its summer workshop for professional development in Public Finance and Economic Policy. This EDI Workshop cosponsored by the Levy Institute is open to highly motivated undergraduate students interested in public policy or pursuing graduate work in economics. The workshop presents participants with theoretical, empirical, and policy tools to examine questions of economic instability and insecurity, as well as the financing capacity of governments to eradicate them. Undergraduates will have the opportunity of attending high level lectures at the one-day Levy Institute Conference and to interact with graduate students who are developing their master's research.For more information, call 845-758-6822, e-mail edi@opensocietyuniversitynetwork.org,
or visit https://edi.bard.edu/programs/osun-summer-workshop/.
Time: 10:00 pm EST/GMT-5