- Recruitment Script: A document detailing the written text or spoken prose you will communicate to potential research participants, including the format and medium of such communication (e.g., in-person conversation, email, SMS messages, social media postings and messages, flyers, etc.).
- Consent Form: A document each participant will read and (in almost all cases) sign that secures their “informed consent” in participating. Please see the “Informed Consent” tab in the top menu for specific requirements.
- Research Instruments: A document or several documents that details the data you are collecting and how. For example, if you are conducting a survey you should include the actual survey questionnaire including any instructions that will accompany it. For another example, if you are conducting an interview you should include the actual interview questions including any instruction will accompany them. Please note that some projects involve different interview questions or survey questions for different categories of research participants. Some projects involve multiple surveys or combining surveys and interviews. Other projects involve prompts, stimuli, or experiments in which instructions are given, a video is viewed, a sound is heard, and so forth. The research instruments you submit should be comprehensive so that the IRB can review any and all research instruments you will be using to prompt and collect data from your research participants.
- Debriefing Statement: A document detailing the written text or spoken prose you will communicate to actual research participants indicating to them the research process has been completed, expressing thanks for their participation, and reminding them of any relevant contact or information necessary.
- CITI Certificate in Human Subjects Research Training: The certificate you receive after successfully completing your required online training certificate. Please note that for research projects involving more than one person, CITI certification is required for each and every person involved in the collection of data or the handling of collected research data.
- If you are a student, your faculty advisor must review the proposal form and supplementary materials and send an email to [email protected] indicating that they are advising your project and have reviewed your materials.
- If you are using a language other than English in your recruitment, securing informed consent, conducting research with participants, and/or debriefing, you must submit the relevant document in both English and the other language(s) you will be using. Please note that unless unless you are a faculty member, staff member, or graduate student whose first language is that non-English language, any non-English language translations must be certified
Project Checklist
A complete IRB application should contain:
- A completed Online IRB Proposal Form. The submission form requests basic contact information as well as critical information for assessing the research procedures intended.
- Copies of your recruitment scripts or texts, including in-person conversation, email, SMS messages, social media postings and messages, flyers.
- A copy of your consent form (or in the rare case that written consent is waived, a script for oral consent). For more detail on Informed Consent, including example consent forms, visit the Informed Consent section.
- Copies of your research instruments:
- Exhaustive list of any interview questions.
- More than one exhaustive list of interview questions if you will be asking different sets/combinations of questions for different groups (e.g., managers and employees, faculty and students, etc.) or otherwise tailoring the interview questions accordingly.
- Description of procedures for all study conditions, including the control condition.
- Copies of all questionnaires or survey instruments used in the research, including any and all versions if there will be different ones used in different circumstances or with different groups.
- Copies (or detailed descriptions) of any prompts and stimuli used, including texts, videos, sounds, images, and tasks.
- Copies of your debriefing scripts or texts, indicating the data collection has ended, thanking the participants for their participating, and providing any necessary contact information and additional information.
- Documentation that you have completed training in the online training in Ethical Treatment of Human Research Participants. If you have other individuals helping you with data collection or processing, including translators, these individuals are also required to complete the online course and have their certificates included in the application.
- Emailed approval from your faculty adviser. The email should state, "I have reviewed [your name]'s proposal and I will oversee this research in its entirety."
Template for new IRB submissions
This template contains every question you are required to answer in your new IRB Application.
You must submit your formal application through the online site. This document will not be accepted as your application submission.
Template for renewal IRB Submissions
This template contains every question you are required to answer in your new IRB Application.
You must submit your formal renewal application through the online site. This document will not be accepted as your renewal submission.
Revised Proposal
Once a project is approved, the content of the research protocol, including the consent form, research instruments, and recruitment scripts should not be altered.
If changes are necessary after you receive approval, an amendment must be filed specifying the changes. Approval for the changes must be received by the researcher before data collection can be changed. To submit such a revision, email [email protected] the revised protocol with changes highlighted and a cover letter explaining the general scope and rationale for the revisions
You should be working closely with your faculty adviser as you develop your research methods and your project description. For detailed advice about the content of your proposal, your faculty adviser should be your first source of guidance.
If you have questions about the preparation and formatting of your IRB proposal, please read the Bard IRB web pages carefully, including the FAQ page.
For questions or comments about the website, email [email protected].