
Christopher Rey Pérez  Writing

Christopher Rey Pérez  Writing
Christopher Rey Pérez is a poet from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. His book, gauguin's notebook, received the 2015 Madeleine P. Plonsker Prize from Lake Forest College. His most recent publications include Compendio palestino-puertorriqueño en proceso, while in residence as a 2017-18 La Práctica fellow with Beta-Local; Aliens Beyond Paradise/ Alienígenas más allá del paraíso, a book on the alien as foreigner and extraterrestrial that was jointly published by Wendy’s Subway & Queens Museumand Todo el amor del mundo con todas sus sangres y todos sus virus, an online essay in response to the coronavirus pandemic. His writings have appeared in Mexico, Brazil, Cyprus, Lebanon, Canada, the U.S., and China, and he has led poetry workshops with Ashkal Alwan's Home Workspace Program, The Garden Library for Refugees & Migrant Workers in South Tel Aviv, Beta-Local's La Iván Illich, Queens Museum, Wendy's Subway, & Loudreaders Trade School.  Since 2012, he has edited a nomadic publication in, of, and around Latin America, called Dolce Stil Criollo. Currently, he is Program Director of the Bard Microcollege at Brooklyn Public Library.


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