April 2023
News for Bard 
Families & Friends

Dear Families,

Spring has officially arrived and all of us at Bard could not be more excited. Speaking of excitement, I have plenty of highlights about ongoing projects, upcoming events, and important items of note for the end of our year that will hopefully leave you feeling the same!

First, congratulations Senior Families! You and your student are in the home stretch. Registration for Bard College’s 163rd Commencement has opened. I encourage the families of graduating students to register now, as the deadline is May 8th, 2023. We are excited that U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock, of Georgia, will be our speaker. The ceremony will begin at 2:30pm on Saturday, May 27, and the tent will open at 1pm for seating. Please note that seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information on Commencement, visit: families.bard.edu/commencement/

Whether your student is graduating or wrapping up another year at Bard, “finals” week is fast approaching. Our office is hosting #bardshoutoutday on May 17, and we invite you to submit a message that will be shared with your student personally on the 17th and follow us on social media to see messages submitted by alumni/ae and faculty. 

To leave your shout-out message, visit bardian.bard.edu/register/shoutout. Please note that the deadline to submit your message is Friday, May 12th, 2023. 

Two Olivier awards for the Fisher Center’s production of Oklahoma! are amongst the most recent and exciting Bard-related news. Other highlights include: Bard student Ariha Shahed ’26 was awarded a Davis Projects for Peace Grant to work with Bangladeshi families living in extreme poverty along the country’s railway tracks. Youssef Ait Benasser recently joined the Bard College faculty as an Assistant Professor of Economics in the division of social studies. Bard Alumna, Susan D’Agostino ‘91, wrote a piece for Inside Higher Ed titled “Will University of the People Endure for the People?”. Jonathan Becker, Executive VP and VP for Academic Affairs and Director of the Center for Civic Engagement at Bard, speaks to potential areas of collaboration between Bard and UoPeople, a free, non-profit, online university. Click here to read the full article.

Exciting events in April include:

  • The fifth annual conference of the US-China Music Institute, Ancient Echoes and New Sounds: Guqin in the 21st Century, will be held on campus from April 6 through 8.
  • Senior Project Festival 2023, happening April 14 through 16, features a weekend of performances by graduating seniors of Bard’s Theatre and Performance Programs.
  • April 15 and 16, legendary author, Bard professor, and Fisher Center Advisory Board Member, Neil Gaiman, will begin a five-part lecture series on writing, as part of the Fisher Center’s 20th season, Breaking Ground. Learn more about Breaking Ground events here.
  • On April 26, the Women’s Lacrosse Team will play their final game of the season at the Lorenzo Ferrari Soccer Complex.
Don't forget to secure your tickets and seats ahead of time for events that require them, to avoid missing out!

All the best,

Sasha Boak-Kelly
Sr. Dir. of Development

P.S. Now through April 10, any donation to the Bard College Fund made at bardian.bard.edu/register/sticker, comes with a free one-of-a-kind sticker designed by Bella Grubb-Kovach '22 or Felicia Flores '23. To Receive all five limited-edition stickers, sign-up for a monthly gift to the Bard College Fund by April 10, 2023. Please note you can elect to send your sticker(s) to your student's on-campus mailbox instead and surprise them with a special gift.

Dates to Remember

  • April 28, 2023: Students looking to withdraw from on-campus housing, to live off-campus, must do so by noon. After this time, students will be locked into housing and billed.
  • May 17, 2023: #Bardshoutoutday. Be sure to participate at bardian.bard.edu/register/shoutout by Friday, May 12, 2023.
  • May 17 to 23, 2023: Completion Days—Regular Classes and Final Exams: All students and faculty remain on campus.
  • May 19, 2023: The last day to reserve end-of-school-year seats through Bard Transportation for special shuttles providing transportation to airports and train stations.
  • May 24, 2023: All students not participating in Commencement need to be moved out of on-campus housing by noon.
  • May 28, 2023: All students participating in Commencement need to be moved out of on-campus housing by noon.

Featured News

United States Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock, of Georgia. United States Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock, of Georgia.

Bard College Holds One Hundred Sixty-Third Commencement on Saturday, May 27, 2023

U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock to Give Commencement Address

Bard College will hold its one hundred sixty-third commencement on Saturday, May 27, 2023. The Commencement address will be given by United States Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock, of Georgia. Bard President Leon Botstein will confer 384 undergraduate degrees on the Class of 2023 and 182 graduate degrees, during the program which begins at 2:30 pm in the commencement tent on the Seth Goldfine Memorial Rugby Field.

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Ariha Shahed.  Ariha Shahed. 

Bard Student Ariha Shahed ’26 Awarded Davis Projects for Peace Grant 

Bard College student Ariha Shahed ’26 has won a Davis Projects for Peace prize for her proposal, “Train Track to Right Track: Supporting Bangladeshis Who Call the Railway Tracks Their Home.” Ariha, a first-year economics and politics major from Bangladesh, will receive $10,000 to work with Bangladeshi families living in extreme poverty along the country’s railway tracks, communities which often go unnoticed. Partnering with NGO initiative BRAC Bangladesh, Ariha will help families connect with essential social protection programmes, access healthcare, keep their children in school, and improve their economic situations by sustainable and continual support.

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Joshua Glick. Joshua Glick.

Professor Joshua Glick Talks about AI in Hollywood on Marketplace Tech

Visiting Associate Professor of Film and Electronic Arts Joshua Glick spoke with Marketplace’s Meghan McCarty Carino about the manifold ways Hollywood employs artificial intelligence including de-aging star characters, creating synthetic voices, generating digital faces and imagery of crowds, and even using deepfake technology in documentaries to protect vulnerable onscreen subjects. AI’s entree into filmmaking spurs anxiety that it could supplant human creative labor like screenwriting, designing, and directing. “New tools and new technologies have always sustained a productive tension or creative tension with the status quo of the industry," said Glick.

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Youssef A. Benasser. Youssef A. Benasser.

Youssef Ait Benasser Joins Bard College Faculty as Assistant Professor of Economics in the Division of Social Studies

Bard College’s Division of Social Studies is pleased to announce the appointment of Youssef Ait Benasser as Assistant Professor of Economics beginning in the fall of the 2023–24 academic year. “Bard’s global engagement provides the ideal environment for my work in international economics,” said Benasser. “I am excited to contribute to the disruptive research and support the transformative learning that sets Bard’s community apart in the social sciences and beyond.”

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The Richard B. Fisher Center at Bard College. Photo by Noah Sheldon The Richard B. Fisher Center at Bard College. Photo by Noah Sheldon

The Fisher Center at Bard Announces 20th Anniversary Season: Breaking Ground

Season Reflects the Fisher Center’s Role as One of the Country’s Foremost Cross-Disciplinary Producing Institutions, and Culminates with a Celebration for a New Performing Arts Studio Building Designed by Maya Lin (October 21)

The Fisher Center at Bard, which has become one of the world’s preeminent sources of major multidisciplinary performance works, announces its 20th Anniversary Season: Breaking Ground, a celebration of the artists, audiences, students, faculty, and communities that have written the Fisher Center’s story for its first two decades and will imagine it into the future. The season will culminate in a celebration for the Fisher Center’s new 25,000-square-foot performing arts studio building, designed by Maya Lin, which will offer artists at all stages of their careers vastly expanded room to explore as they build works from the ground up.

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BHSEC Manhattan. Photo by Beyond My Ken (CC BY-SA 4.0) BHSEC Manhattan. Photo by Beyond My Ken (CC BY-SA 4.0)

New Bard High School Early College Slated to Open in South Bronx

A new Bard High School Early College is slated to open in the South Bronx this fall. “From the first conversation with Chancellor Banks and his team, something that was really important was about bringing the same quality and standards and resources and rigor that defines this program to the Bronx in full,” said Stephen Tremaine, vice president for Early College Policies and Programs. “First and foremost for South Bronx residents—and to do that unapologetically.”

Full Story

Thank you for your support!

A big thanks to our families and friends who made a gift to the College since our last newsletter. Your generosity makes it possible for Bard to educate thousands of students each year:

Alexandra Shafer●Alix M. Shafer '78 and Denis Duman●Allison J. Boyd●Bonnie T. Goad and Daniel Donohue●Carolyn Peña●Chevy Chase '68 and Jayni Chase●Cynthia C. Ahn●Dan Junkins and Minette Junkins●David Meikle●David W. Jacobowitz '65 and Linda Rodd●Edward Dandridge and Karen Dandridge●Gaetano Moscatiello●Gerald Zepp and Ingrid Zepp●Gloria Herrera●Gregory Fields and Rozanna Leo-Fields●Hilary Pennington and Brian Bosworth●Howard Haid and Concepcion Arteaga●Ilya Levinson and Martine Benmann●Iulian Dumitriu and Ileana Dumitriu●Jane A. Brien '89 and Stewart Verrilli●Kimberly L. Haas●Lisa DePasquale●Matthew D. Cameron '04 and Meredith Danowski●Michael F. Infanger and Denise S. Mahoney●Nathaniel J. Brown and Patreese A. Martin●Rand Whipple and Anne Dowd●Steven Dattomo and Corrine Jakacki-Dattomo●Susan H. Gillespie●Ted R. Robb●William Cain and Joan Cain●

Recent donations will be acknowledged in the April Insider.

A life-changing impact

As the end of the spring semester approaches, many of our supporters are looking to make an impact for the next academic year and beyond. If you are 70.5 or older, IRA gifts are a powerful way to create a life-changing education for Bard students and reduce your future tax burden. If you are subject to a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), IRA giving allows you to meet your RMD without increasing your taxable income!

Learn more and give today.

If you have appreciated stocks, did you know you can donate them today to make an even
greater impact for Bard students? Your stock gift will go even further than cash in directly
supporting a life-changing education.

Learn more and give stock now!

Looking to give in a new and exciting way?

The Bard Farm is currently seeking a used pickup truck and if you have one you are looking to re-home, the Bard Farm might be the perfect place. If you are interested in donating a used pickup truck, please email development@bard.edu. Any interest is appreciated, but a truck with four-wheel drive and a back seat in the cab for students would be preferred. Thank you!

Bard Family Leadership Council (FLC)

Members of the Family Leadership Council (FLC) play a key role in the Bard community through a range of optional activities: developing and participating in on-campus and regional recruiting and mentoring events, promoting and providing career opportunities for students, and participating in peer-to-peer fundraising. Parents and family members on the FLC play a prominent role in the success of the Bard College Fund through annual gifts of $1,500 or greater. The Family Leadership Council meets two times each year—once during Family and Alumni/ae Weekend and again in the spring. If you are interested in joining the Family Leadership Council, please contact Sasha Boak-Kelly, Senior Director of Development at 845-758-7407.

Updates from Campus

News from the Open Society Network University (OSUN)

We're excited to announce spring semester Open Society Network University (OSUN) online courses are in full swing! Each semester (and every summer), Bard students have the opportunity to enroll in two kinds of synchronous online courses. We have active partnerships with over 30 universities across the world and we hope to make parents aware of this exciting academic experience!
OSUN Network Collaborative Courses are co-designed and taught simultaneously across partner institutions. These courses bring students at different campuses together to have class discussions and collaborate online.
OSUN Online Courses are offered by a single institution to students across the OSUN network. This structure provides students the chance to learn from a professor at another university in a classroom with students from around the world. Students will hear about life and society in other parts of the world and have the chance to share their perspectives and experiences with a diverse set of student peers. 
Annandale students are encouraged to apply for summer and fall courses!

News from the Center for Civic Engagement

The 2023 Community Action Award application is live!  A Community Action Award (CAA) supports student efforts to engage with communities locally, nationally, and internationally by providing funding for participation in unpaid internships that address issues impacting people around the world.  Bard undergrads who are pursuing a community-based, public-facing internship in the following fields are eligible: civic engagement, education, government, social justice, human rights, media, public policy, the arts, and social entrepreneurship.  Deadline: April 23rd.

The 2023 Scale Internship Equity Award application is also live! A Scale Internship Equity Award (SIEA) allows and encourages students from low-income backgrounds to accept summer internships without the burden of having to entirely financially support themselves due to the lack of, or insufficient amount of, payment.  Bard undergrads are eligible for internships in any field.  Deadline: April 23rd.

Both awards will be tabling with the Career Development Office on April 12th 12pm-2pm in the Kline Commons lobby and April 13th 2-4pm in the Campus Center lobby, so please encourage your Bard students to come with their application questions AND to apply for internship awards!

News from the Career Development Office

All students can access the Internship Fair Resource Guide with position descriptions and application information for summer jobs and internships. Students can mail cdo@bard.edu for the Guide.

Got an internship, post-grad, or summer job to share with Bard students? Contact cdo@bard.edu to let us know!

Support for Internships

The Community Action Award (CAA) application is open! 
Students can apply to be considered for funding awards for unpaid or low-paying civic-related summer internships in the arts, education, government, science, social justice fields, and more!
The Scale Project also offers opportunities to apply to be considered for funding for summer internships.

CDO April Programs:

Employers - The Common Good ( April 6) & The Daily Catch (April 17) will host online information sessions for students to learn about internships offered in public policy, event planning, and journalism. 

CDO will be holding an online Public Service Fair on April 17th, hosting 12 employers speaking about opportunities to work in public service sector post-graduate positions.

Pre-Health Advising- On April 5, Bard Pre-Health Adviser, Prof Scalzo, and CDO will be hosting an online advising session for students interested in pre-health/medicine career pathways. 
CDO will share opportunities for students interested in gaining patient-facing volunteer experiences locally. 

CDO Workshops- Students can join CDO's monthly workshop offerings in resume writing, career search, interviewing, and Linkedin photo booth to gain skills and polish their professional online and in-person presence.

**All throughout the year, CDO advisers meet with students in one-on-one advising sessions to talk about internship or post-graduation plans. 
Students can schedule appointments through their Handshake account or email cdo@bard.edu.

News from Residence Life and Housing

If you would like to show your student a little extra support as they approach finals, you can send them a Finals Care Package. Simply visit the following website and you will have your choice of care packages that can be sent directly to your student. www.dormroom.com/bdc/carepackages

News from Blithewood

Blithewood Garden Panel Discussion, Documentary Premiere and Self-Guided Garden Tours Hosted on Sunday, April 23.

On Sunday, April 23, the Friends of Blithewood Garden, the Garden Conservancy, and Bard College will host “Vision & View: Creating a Classical Landscape on the Hudson,” a panel discussion and film premiere focusing on the rehabilitation of the historic Blithewood Garden at Bard College. The event takes place from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Levy Economics Institute at Bard College and will host a wine and cheese reception before the discussion and screening, followed by self-guided garden tours. The fee is $25 for Garden Conservancy members, and $30 for nonmembers. Reservations are required. Visit bard.edu/arboretum/gardens/blithewood.  For more information visit: https://www.bard.edu/arboretum/gardens/blithewood/

The panel discussion will examine the history of Blithewood and other Gilded Age estates in the Hudson River Valley, addressing their significance to local and national history as well as the challenges of preserving these spaces. It begins at 2:30 p.m. and features historic preservation expert Kurt Hirschberg, Associate Partner of Jan Hird Pokorny Associates, Harvey Flad, Professor Emeritus of Vassar College, Dimitri Stratis of the National Park Service for the Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site, and Amy Parrella, Director of Horticulture & Arboretum at Bard College. James Brayton Hall, President and CEO of The Garden Conservancy, will lead the conversation.  The documentary film, featuring Bard alumna and award-winning actress Blythe Danner ‘65, will screen after the discussion and explores Blithewood’s rich
preservation story.

Blithewood Garden is considered a nationally significant Beaux Arts, Italianate garden with important connections to the evolution of American landscape design and is one of the few intact Hudson River estate gardens that remain from the Gilded Age. Bard College has partnered with the Garden Conservancy, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to preserve and share America’s gardens, on the restoration of Blithewood Garden.