August 2022
News for Families & Friends
Dear Families,
We are having a great summer in Annandale! We just welcomed 439 first-years and 66 transfer students to campus on Friday, August 5, for the Language and Thinking Program. It was lovely meeting so many new families and students in person! The first day of classes is coming up on Monday, August 29. We're looking forward to the year ahead and having everyone back on campus.
There is still time to enjoy the Bard Music Festival before the season comes to an end. Weekend Two of the festival continues this Friday with “Rachmaninoff and His World,” an exploration of Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873–1943). Read more about the program and get your tickets here.
Award-Winning Fortunes Ice Cream, located in Tivoli and owned by Brian Ackley ’02 and Lisa Farjam ’00, has been profiled in Chronogram. Read the article here and add them to your list of stops the next time you visit the area. I recommend trying the halva honeycomb and the labne flavors.
Bard recently hosted an environmental summer camp in China. Lobsang Sonam, who received an M.Ed in Environmental Education from Bard’s Graduate Programs in Sustainability in 2021, led the College's first environmental summer program at Old Creek Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province, China. Fifteen students in grades 9–11 participated in the immersive two-week sleepover camp.
Please save the date for Family and Alumni/ae Weekend: October 21-22, 2022. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Annandale to experience Bard through classes, concerts, tours and more. All visitors to campus must be vaccinated. I encourage you to book your accommodations as soon as possible if you may be able to join us. View our list of local restaurants here.
If you're on social media, remember to follow the Bard Family Network on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and join our Bard Families Facebook group. Thank you and hope to see you soon!
Lindsay Davis Carr ’06
Assistant Director of Development, Family Programs | 845-758-7152
Dates to Remember:
- Monday, August 8, 2022–Wednesday, August, 24, 2022:
Language and Thinking Program for first-year students - Saturday, August 27, 2022:
Arrival day for all returning students - Monday, August 29, 2022:
First day of classes - Wednesday, September 7, 2022:
Drop/add period ends - Friday, October 23, 2020:
Moderation papers due - Friday, October 21–Saturday, October 22, 2022:
Family and Alumni/ae Weekend - Thursday, November 24–Sunday, November 27, 2022:
Thanksgiving recess (classes end at 5 p.m. on Wednesday) - Friday, December 16, 2022:
Last day of fall classes
Bardian Newsmakers
Bard College Faculty Member Felicia Keesing Wins the 2022 International Cosmos Prize
Dr. Felicia Keesing, Bard College’s David and Rosalie Rose Distinguished Professor of Science, Mathematics, and Computing, has been selected as the winner of the 2022 International Cosmos Prize by the Expo ’90 Foundation. Dr. Keesing will receive a certificate of merit, a medallion, and a monetary prize of 40 million yen (approximately $290,000 USD) at the award ceremony, which will be held in Osaka, Japan, on November 9. Dr. Keesing will also give a commemorative lecture, participate in a symposium held in her honor, and have an audience with the Emperor and Empress of Japan.
Full StoryBard Physics Professor Shuo Zhang Receives NASA Grant for Research on Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole Sgr A*
Bard College Assistant Professor of Physics Shuo Zhang has received a $91,933 grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in support of her investigation, “Joint NuSTAR and EHT Probe of SgrA*: Flares, Black Hole Shadows, a New Hard X-Ray Source.” “Among all the fascinating science one can pursue via a joint X-ray and EHT observations of our own supermassive black hole, the physics behind mysterious daily Sgr A* flares is the jewel in the crown that astronomers have been pursuing. I am proud of our own students, physics major Nathalie Jones ’21, dance and mathematics major Rose Xu ’23, and physics major Grace Sanger-Johnson ’23, who have contributed to this exciting project.” says Zhang.
Full StoryThe Fisher Center’s “An Evening with Sandra Cisneros,” Part of the Big Read 2022, Recounted on Lion’s Roar
As part of the Big Read 2022, Sandra Cisneros spoke at the Fisher Center, sharing the history of The House on Mango Street and offering up advice to aspiring writers. Recounting the night for Lion’s Roar, Angélica Paljor highlighted Cisneros’s practical and spiritual guidance given to the audience at Bard this past April. “Writing, she said at Bard, ‘is sacred work, as sacred as a nun or a monk who meditates for days or hours—that’s how I see it,’” Paljor writes.
Full StoryAcclaimed Composers Jessie Montgomery and Missy Mazzoli Join Faculty of Bard College Conservatory of Music as Composers in Residence
The Bard College Conservatory of Music has appointed acclaimed composers Jessie Montgomery and Missy Mazzoli to the faculty as composers in residence. Composer, violinist, and educator Montgomery has been called “One of the most distinctive and communicative voices in the US, as a player and a creator” (BBC). Grammy-nominated composer, pianist, and keyboardist Mazzoli was recently deemed “one of the more consistently inventive, surprising composers now working in New York” (New York Times). They both join the Bard Conservatory in fall 2022.
Full StoryInterview: Bard Professor Daniel Mendelsohn Discusses His Most Recent Book on Between the Covers, Tin House’s Literary Podcast
Charles Ranlett Flint Professor of Humanities Daniel Mendelsohn talks with David Naimon, host of Tin House’s Between the Covers podcast, about Mendelsohn’s book Three Rings: A Tale of Exile, Narrative, and Fate, which weaves together the stories of three exiled writers Erich Auerbach, François Fénelon, and W. G. Sebald. “As we all know, just to make an obvious point, we’re living in a world in which the power of narratives—true, false, deliberately false, accidentally false—is something of vital importance in our lives and that is our existential struggle now,” says Mendelsohn.
Full StoryElvia Wilk ’10 on Living and Writing in a Time of Planetary Extinction
Novelist, critic, and Bard alumna Elvia Wilk ’10, author of the essay collection Death by Landscape, talks with Electric Lit about decentering the human protagonist as the leader of the story. Wilk discusses the ways in which dystopian narratives can mask the crises of the present, how fiction can help us grasp the enormity of climate change, and how the pandemic lockdowns changed her perspective on work.
Full StoryVenezuelan-American Photographer Lexi Parra ’18 Named Recipient of a 2022 Getty Images Annual Inclusion Grant
Lexi Parra ’18, who majored in human rights and photography at Bard, has been selected as one of eight photojournalists from around the world to be collectively awarded $40,000 in grants from Getty Images, a preeminent global visual content creator and marketplace. Parra is a Venezuelan-American photographer and community educator based in Caracas, Venezuela. Her work focuses on youth culture, the personal effects of inequality and violence, and themes of resilience.
Full StoryBard Family Leadership Council (FLC)
Members of the Family Leadership Council (FLC) play a key role in the Bard community through a range of optional activities: developing and participating in on-campus and regional recruiting and mentoring events, promoting and providing career opportunities for students, and participating in peer-to-peer fundraising. Parents and family members on the FLC play a prominent role in the success of the Bard College Fund through annual gifts of $1,500 or greater. The Family Leadership Council meets two times each year—once during Family and Alumni/ae Weekend and again in the spring. If you are interested in joining the Family Leadership Council, please contact Lindsay Davis Carr '06, Assistant Director of Development | Family Programs, at 845-758-7152.
News from the Arboretum
The Bard Arboretum's mission is to preserve and enhance the natural and landscaped resources of the Bard College campus and promote knowledge of and appreciation for ornamental horticulture and conservation. It aims to provide an environment rich in horticultural diversity and beauty that can be readily enjoyed by the College and surrounding community. Check out our latest newsletter, Quercus, here.
News from Athletics
For the 13th Consecutive Year, Bard’s Men’s and Women’s Soccer Teams Win Team Academic Award from United Soccer Coaches. Bard student athletes on both the men’s and women’s soccer teams won the Team Academic Award from the United Soccer Coaches, each for the 13th consecutive year. The men’s and women’s soccer teams produced cumulative GPAs of 3.43 and 3.40 respectively for the 21–22 academic year, surpassing the 3.0 grade point average needed to earn the honor.
In partnership with BSN Sports, the Bard College Athletic Department, has created an online pop-up store for Bard gear that will be open from August 1-12.
Click here to shop right now! No orders will be taken after August 12 but more pop-up shops will appear throughout the year.
News from Career Development:
Get Involved with CDO!
There are several ways that employers can support Career Development at Bard:
- Register and post jobs and internships on our job board, Handshake.
- Hold an online or on-campus information session.
- Let us come to you. CDO staff can help coordinate a corporate or organization visit to your office.
- Register for our annual recruiting consortiums in NYC or host an interview day on campus.
Let us know what works for you! We're always looking for new ways to collaborate with employers. If you would like to find out more about our annual events and ways to get involved, please contact
News from the Center for Civic Engagement
A special note to families from the Center for Civic Engagement: please encourage your Bard student to double check their voter registration status, especially if they have moved to a new address or haven't voted lately. If your Bard student is currently on-campus, let them know that we are registering (and re-registering) students to vote on August 16th and 23rd at Shea House (#21 on the illustrated campus map) from 4:30pm-5:30pm. If your Bard student is not currently on-campus, we will be having Election@Bard office hours every Friday at the CCE Ward Manor Gatehouse (#80 on the campus map) 2-4pm during the semester. Thank you, let's make this the best year of Bard student voter turnout!
Civic Engagement Corner
Erin Cannan, Vice President for Civic Engagement
Bard prides itself on being a private institution acting in the public good. The Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) is a hub where institutional and student initiatives intersect and where learning, civic action and practice take place. As the Vice President for Civic Engagement and as a co-instructor for All Politics is Local, Women and Leadership and the Civic Engagement Network Collaborative Course, I work closely with Annandale faculty, staff and students to create opportunities for Annandale students locally, nationally and internationally. This work is closely aligned with the Open Society University Network’s (OSUN) Civic Engagement initiative that includes leadership conferences, courses, internships, fellowships and microgrants where students explore their role in their own communities and in the world alongside their peers from over 40 partner institutions.
This summer, students received Community Action Awards to participate in otherwise unpaid internships locally and nationally. We welcomed first year students, registering over 115 students locally and will be hosting two elections this fall on-campus (a special congressional election and the midterm elections) as we enter our third year with a polling place on campus. Our Trustee Leader Scholars continue to provide music lessons, English Language Instruction and youth programs regionally while faculty prepare courses that incorporate engagement under our Engaged Liberal Arts and Sciences program. A new initiative called Makers and Builders features traditional guilds work including Horticulture and Carpentry. We look forward to integrating the Guilds further into the academic community as this fledgling program develops. The Career Development Office is planning BardWorks with intensive career support, internships and mentorship through the BardWorks pathways. International travel is underway with a wide range of opportunities; I had the pleasure of facilitating the Get Engaged leadership conference for 60 students in Kyrgyzstan in June. International opportunities can even happen right here in Annandale as students learn with their peers through OSUN Courses and the Certificate in Civic Engagement.
On behalf of my teams at CCE and OSUN, we want to ask two things:
- Follow CCE and OSUN on Instagram and/or track opportunities on our websites to help your student find the ones that fit their interests. Keep in mind that we send a weekly newsletter, table and advertise regularly!
- Let's make this the best year of Bard student voter turnout! Encourage your Bard student to double check their voter registration status, especially if they have moved to a new address or haven't voted lately.
If your Bard student is not currently on-campus, we will be having Election@Bard office hours every Friday at the CCE Ward Manor Gatehouse (#80 on the campus map) 2-4pm during the semester.
All of these programs have room to incorporate the family network as mentors, speakers, collaborators, etc. We welcome your ideas.
Welcome Back to the School Year!
Thank you for your support
Thank you to everyone who has made a gift to the Bard College Fund since August 1st. Your generosity makes it possible for Bard to educate thousands of students each year:
Matthew R. Arruda '21 ● Jeannette G. Benham '12 ● Jennifer Bennett '84 ● Matthew Cameron '04 and Meredith Danowski ● Philip J. Coppola '19 ● Jack Fenn '76 ● The Estate of Inge S. Hoffmann '50 ● Moira Holohan '98 ● William K. Johannes '70 ● Leona A. Kanaskie '86 ● Arthur Kilongo '20 ● Catherine A. Koutsavlis '13 ● Matthew Langan-Peck '10 ● Woanjun Lee '20 ● Jake Lester '20 ● Mollie Meikle '03 and Nathan Smith ● Patrick Murtagh '07 ● Dr. Kerri-Ann Norton '04 ● Jennifer Novik '98 ● Johan V. Orellana '21 ● Aviv J. Porath '21 ● Esteban Rubens '97 ● David and Ruth Schwab II '52 ● Maro Rose Sevastopoulos '00 ● George A. Smith '82 ● Selda J. Steckler '48 ● Olivier te Boekhorst '93 ● Emily C. Tomasi '19 ● Alan M. Wallack '65 and Robin Liebmann Wallack '67 ● Diane Williams '66 ● Dr. Dumaine Williams '03 and Erika van der Velden '04
Recent donations will be acknowledged in the October Insider Newsletter. To make a gift to the Bard College Fund, please click here.
Bard Family Network
Bard College
30 Campus Road
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504
Tel: 1-845-758-7316