July 2024
News for Bard
Families & Friends
Dear Families,
Welcome families of first-year and transfer students! You have been subscribed to Bard’s monthly eNewsletter for Bard families: the Insider. The Insider provides you—and all Bard families—with news and important information.
Thank you to all who generously donated to Bard before June 30, the end of the college’s fiscal year. We deeply appreciate the outpouring of support from Bard families and friends. To learn more about fundraising and Bard, feel free to take a look at our FAQs or ways to give.
As we prepare for the return of students there is still much happening on campus including SummerScape and the 34th annual Bard Musical Festival, and the Bard Summer Research Institute. If you find yourself near Annandale this summer, please consider joining us for a performance or late night dancing in the Spiegeltent. Let me know if you’re coming, so I can come say hello. The full schedule and tickets are on the Fisher Center website. If you are in NYC, be sure to consider seeing Illinoise, a Bard-commissioned work that premiered at last year’s SummerScape and won a Tony last month!
Also on campus are the current exhibitions at the Hessel Museum of Art at the Center for Curatorial Studies: Ho Tzu Nyen: Time & the Tiger, Carrie Mae Weems: Remember to Dream and Start Making Sense.
Most importantly for an undergraduate College, of course, is the arrival of students. Bard will welcome over 500 new students for the Language and Thinking program. We are excited to meet our new families.
One of our best weekends will be here sooner than you think. Please save the date for Family and Alumni/ae Weekend: October 25-27, 2024. Please come to campus to experience Bard through concerts, tours, tastings, classes taught by our stellar faculty, and more. If you think you may be able to join us, I encourage you to book your accommodations as soon as possible.
Take care, and best wishes.
We look forward to seeing many of you on Arrival Day on August 9.
Sasha Boak-Kelly
Senior Director of Development
Dates to Remember
Thursday, November 28, 2024 – Sunday, December 1, 2024 | Thanksgiving Recess (classes end at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27)
Friday, December 6, 2024 | Last Day to Withdraw from a Class
Monday, December 9, 2024 | Senior Projects Due
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 | Advising Day
Thursday, December 12, 2024 | Registration for Spring Classes Opens
Monday, December 16, 2024 – Friday, December 20, 2024 | Completion Days—Regular Classes and Final Exams (all students and faculty remain on campus)
Friday, December 20, 2024 | Last Day of fall Classes (fall semester ends)
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 | Arrival Day, Check-in, and Financial Clearance for Spring Transfer Students
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | Friday, January 24, 2025
Saturday, January 25, 2025 | Check-in and Financial Clearance for All Returning Students
Monday, January 27, 2025 | First Day of Spring Classes
For the full 2024-2025 academic calendar click here
Bard Physicists Paul Cadden-Zimansky, Li-Heng Henry Chang ’23, Ziyu Xu ’23, and Shea Roccaforte ’21 Coauthor Cover Story in the American Journal of Physics
Associate Professor of Physics Paul Cadden-Zimansky and three recent Bard graduates Li-Heng Henry Chang ’23, Ziyu Xu ’23, and Shea Roccaforte ’21, have coauthored the cover story in the July 2024 issue of the American Journal of Physics. Their peer-reviewed research article, “Geometric visualizations of single and entangled qubits,” presents a new way of visualizing the phenomenon of quantum entanglement between two interacting objects.
Full StorySix Bard Student Athletes Honored in the 2024 Division III Academic All-District At-Large Teams
Six players from Bard College’s women’s lacrosse and men’s volleyball teams have been honored in the 2024 Division III Academic All-District At-Large Teams, an award that recognizes the nation’s top student athletes for their combined performance on the court and in the classroom.
Full StoryProfessor Lauren Rose Interviewed on the Today Show and in the New York Times about Using the Rubik’s Cube as a Teaching Tool
On the occasion of the Rubik’s Cube’s 50th anniversary, Associate Professor of Mathematics Lauren Rose was interviewed on the Today Show and quoted in the New York Times about using the Rubik’s Cube as a teaching tool. The Rubik’s Cube has 43 quintillion permutations. Rose, who can solve the cube in under a minute, uses the Rubik’s Cube to teach both math majors and non-STEM majors.
Full StoryBard Professor Peter Klein Receives Fulbright US Scholar Award
Peter Klein, associate professor of sociology and environmental and urban studies at Bard College, has received a 2024 Fulbright US Scholar Program Award for his project “The Favela and the Sea: Fishing, Urbanization, and Environmental (In)Justice in Rio de Janeiro.” The grant, sponsored by the Brazilian government, will support Klein’s work in Brazil for four months starting in August.
Full StoryBard College Announces Two Recipients of Inaugural Anthony Lester Fellowships to Support Practical Work in the Field of Human Rights and the Rule of Law
Hilina Berhanu Degefa (an expert on women’s rights, public policy, and advocacy from Ethiopia) and Marian Alejandra Da Silva Parra (a human rights lawyer from Venezuela) are the first recipients of the inaugural Anthony Lester Fellowships, administered by the Human Rights Project at Bard College. Degefa will use the fellowship to work to combat proposals to legalize female genital mutilation in The Gambia. Marian Da Silva Parra will develop a project to train and support local human rights defenders in Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Trinidad and Tobago. Each fellow will receive a stipend of $25,000.
Full StoryBard Supporters
Thank you to all our friends and family who supported Bard in the past fiscal year (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024). We are grateful for your generosity to the College!
Anonymous (6) | Elizabeth E. Aho | Kenneth Aidekman and Ellen Aidekman | John Aistars and Mara Aistars | John A. Albertini and Kathleen B. Albertini | Muhammad A. Aleem and Zartasha Aleem | Bruce H. Alpert and Terri S. Alpert | Johnny Alvarado and Ana Valverde | Margaret Anderson and James Anderson | Alan Appelbaum | Alyson Archer and John Archer | Andrew C. Aronson and Joanne W. Aronson | Kathleen Augustine | Karen L. Axelsson | Tom P. Azzara and Tammie K. Azzara | Ian T. Ball and Margaret Ball | Alan Winkler and Vicki M. Banner | Paul Barbagelata and Marina Barbagelata | Scott Kane and Emily Barr | Joe Bass | Richard Bassler and Stephanie Bassler | Andrew Bata and Kyoko N. Bata | Robert Battles and Martha M. Battles | Jonathan N. Baum and Susanna B. Baum | Gisela Baurmann | Diane Becker | Josh Becker and Jonna Hunter | James Benedek and Laurie Benedek | Bruce Berg and Catherine Berg | Albert E. Berger and Ellen M. Steloff | Thomas Bernard and Sallie Bernard | John F. Bero and Cheryl Y. Bero | Stephanie G. Beroes | Robert A. Biggs and Julie C. Biggs | William P. Kennedy and Montana Billings | Robert S. Blacklow | Gregory H. Quinn and Carolyn M. Blackwood | Noah B. Rubinstein '89 and Jill Blakeway | Kathleen Bliss | Frank Blois and Carleen Blois | Sharon E. Garbe '83 and David Blumel | Richard W. Boylan and Shelley R. Bochner | Dean M. Bodnar and Gina C. Rossi | Vladimir Lebedev and Celestine Bohlen | Julia E. Borst Brazas | Stephana Bottom and Duncan M. Webb | Judson M. Slack and Kendra L. Bowker | Kit Boyatt and Linda Riefler | Allison J. Boyd | Robert L. Brainard and Lisa C. Brainard | Jonathan Brent and Frances P. Brent | Jeff G. Bricmont and Wendy Bricmont | Daniel L. Finer and Ellen I. Broselow | Nathaniel J. Brown and Patreese A. Martin | Maja Hoffmann and Stanley Buchthal | Chris Wildrick and Andrea Buckvold | Gary P. Buonanno and Susan M. Danaher | Margaret Burroughs | Elizabeth Burrows | William Cain and Joan Cain | John Canney | Chris A. Belardi and Joyce A. Capuano | Jane E. Carleton | Bridget P. Carr | Laurence M. Carucci and Mary H. Maifeld | Michele A. Ceazan-Fleischli | Michael S. Slane and Hilary Chartrand | Alexandre Chemla and Lori Chemla | Rocco A. Chiappini and Susan E. Chiappini | Christopher M. Mason and Daniela Chiara | Adolfo Chin and Ileana Chin Garita | Jeffrey Chou and Thania Martell | Sarah N. Christ | Helene Tieger '85 and Paul Ciancanelli | Jesse Browner '83 and Judith Clain | John Clements and Sharon Van Epps | Mark Coler and Aldyth Coler | Dennis Colling and Maura Colling | Richard E. Collins and Becky A. Collins | and Rich E. Collins and Becky A. Collins | Robert Minor and Helen Conover | Joanna A. Cooper | Lucia A. Coppola | Elizabeth M. Corbett-O'Malley | Linda G. Corradina | George J. Cotsirilos and Maria A. Baird | James Crane and Sonia Crane | John Crouch | Jack Culaj and Sarina Culaj | John Curry and Eileen Curry | Michael Dahlen and Hope Chernov | Lisa Daugaard | Deirdre Davis | Shelby Davis and Gale Davis | Dean Wetherell and Mia de Bethune | Brian DeCubellis and Diana DeCubellis | Joerg Deerberg and Ellen L. Fisher-Deerberg | Clive A. Spagnoli '86 and Theresa Dimasi | Allan Doescher and Lois Doescher | Joanne Doherty and Larry Doherty | Bonnie T. Goad and Daniel Donohue | Michael E. Dorf and Sarah Connors | Richard H. Dower and Laura E. Dower | Todd Dickinson and Sam Droke-Dickinson | Fred Markham and Anne du Breuil | Nannette Dufour | Alix M. Shafer '78 and Denis Duman | Iulian Dumitriu and Ileana Dumitriu | Van Wyck Dusenbury and Wendy C. Dusenbury | Andrea J. Edwards and Donald Edwards | W. Eric Egan | Lance Ehrenberg and Terry Sidell | David Ellenbogen | Charles Emerson and Elizabeth Emerson | Tolomy B. Erpf | Carissa Escober Doran | Jack A. Luxemburg and Barbara E. Etkind | Thomas Famularo and Valerie Famularo | Ron Feldman | Taylor Galyean and Marilyn Feldmeier | Gregory Fields and Rozanna Leo-Fields | Richard English and Christina L. Files | Richard H. Fitzgerald | Duane Flowers | Stephan Fopeano and Shannon D. Fopeano | Peter M. Finkelstein and Kathryn Ford | Kent Forden and Joanne Chu | Davis B. Fox | Gregg E. Frankel and Jean A. Frankel | Mark Franklin and Marnie Franklin | Adaline H. Frelinghuysen | Edward A. Friedman | Ken W. Florance and Melissa L. Gainer | Mary C. Gallagher | Frank Gallagher and Susan Gallagher | Patti Galluzzi | Barkley Garnsey and Amy Franz Garnsey | Jane Gehr | Vartan Geudelekian and Houry Geudelekian | Deborah J. Bornstein Gichan '76 and Gregory G. Gichan | Alan Gilbert | Susan H. Gillespie | Margaret J. Gilman | Peter Givertzman and Gita Givertzman | William Glasgall and Laura Glasgall | Stella Goldgisser | Diva Goodfriend-koven | Kathryn Graham and William Graham | Paul M. Boocock and Peggy A. Grauwiler | Ralph Green | Robert Greifeld and Julia Greifeld | Barbara S. Grossman '73 and Michael Gross | Krassimir Grouev | William C. Alatriste and Lubie Grujicic-Alatriste | Diane E. Guendel | Amar Gupta and Padmini Gupta | Susan Edwards Gutkin and Daniel C. Gutkin | Kim Gutschow | Kimberly L. Haas | Houstoun Demere and Wendy L. Haft | Thomas J. Hagan | George F. Hamel and Pamela Hamel | Gary R. Hamme and Lisa J. Hansen | David M. Harris and Tara A. Tucker | Timothy Harris and Julie A. Harris | Peter Coopersmith and Heather Hart | Liam Harte and Emily B. Todd | Evan Hause and Maureen Hurd Hause | John P. Healey and John P. Healey | Peter W. Healey and Susan E. Lyle | Charles Heilbronn and Laurence Heilbronn | Kenji Fujita and Vivian Heller | Risa Tabacoff and Mark Hess | Charlotte Hildebrand | Elyse Hilton | Lars Larson and Molly Hiro | Jeffrey L. Kosky and Stephanie L. Hodde | Suzanne B. Holzberg | Christopher Hope and Stephanie Hope | Stephen Hopkins and Erin Castle | David Christensen and Ruth Horowitz | Richard Hough and Vera Hough | Christine M. Howe and David Howe | Stephen Lubben and Jennifer Hoyden | Ben-Hwa Hu | John Hubbe and Deborah Hubbe | Judah Hughes and Kim Hughes | Patti Cheryl Hughes | Paul R. Meyer and Wenda Hunter | Don Hurowitz '65 and Elizabeth Hurowitz | Benedict T. Hutchinson | Fred R. Goldstein and Judith A. Hyatt | Sylvia Inchausti and David Inchausti | Michael F. Infanger and Denise S. Mahoney | Stephen Jones and Naghma Ismi | James Israel | Mark H. Jackson and Karen Hagberg | Andrew Jacobs and Peggy Jacobs | Gretchen Jacott and Carlos Jacott | Judith Joa | Celeste A. Johns | Barton T. Jones and Deborah Jones | Douglas D. Jones and Diane Jones | Vance M. Jones and Melissa B. Jones | Howard Wolf and Stacy Joseph | Jeffrey Joslin and Rebecca Skinner | Dan Junkins and Minette Junkins | Julie B. Just | Marc Kamin and Maxine Kamin | Peter Kaminsky and Melinda Kaminsky | Robert F. Kane and Patty L. Kane | Melora Kaplan | Dana Kasarsky | Anne Kaufhold | Bernard J. Ohanian and Kathleen K. Kelly | Dan Kemp and Susan Kemp | Martin Kenner and Camilla Smith | Robert Kenner | Janet E. Kettler and David Kettler | Annastasia K. Kezar | Talatha G. Kiazolu-Reeves | John D. O'Reilly and Elizabeth K. Kidder | Jane Kim | Donald Kimelman and Gay Kimelman | Mark D. King and Sara Zaslow | Richard E. Kipling | Robert A. Kirchmeier | Glenn J. Kissack and Sylvia B. Schaindlin | Eric Komoroff and Sharone Komoroff | Eric W. Kuhn and Sandra A. Kopell | Stephanie E. Kufner and Gerald M. Kufner | Joel Kunreuther | Gary Kuntz and Sarah Christiansen | Deborah Kurlan (Penta) | Peter Browning and Ursula Kurman-Browning | Cathy Lanier and Henry D. Lanier | Connie Laport | Jim Etkin and Kim Larsen | Shawna Lee | Richard J. Leider and Jane E. Leider | Piotr Karpiak and Katarzyna Lesniak-Karpiak | Timothy Brennan and Karen Leveille | Deborah Reik and Andrew J. Levinson | Ilya Levinson and Martine Benmann | Walter Levitch | Mark D. Lewis | Thornton Lewis and Maureen Lewis | Kelley Leyba | Karl-Walter Lindenlaub and Lee Lindenlaub | Peter M. Lindsay and Kate L. Binzen | Raymond Litra and Barbara M. Litra | Althea Loglia | Linda Lopez | Bryan I. Lorber and Leslie W. Lorber | Linda M. Lowe | James Lowney and Michelle Lowney | Beverly Mock and Douglas Lowy | Peggy Lubman '80 and Bruce Lubman | Catherine Susser and Jacques Luiggi | John Curry and Grace Lynch | Steve V. Brennan and Jennifer Lyons | Edmund Maassen and Jacqueline Dickinson | James Macdonald and Karen Rizzo | Linda R. MacGorman | Les C. Montgomery and Melanie R. Maisey | Wendie D. Malick | Jason Malinowski and Jennifer Malinowski | Tony Malmed and Maureen Malmed | Arumugam Kumaran and Viji Manivannan | Dan S. Manning | Electra C. Manwiller '86 and Duane Manwiller | Benjamin Polak and Stefanie Markovits | Sara Marks Tabby | Michael Gallagher and Roxi Marsen | Daniel F. Marshall and Nancy H. Marshall | John W. Martin and Barbara Schock | Chris Martinez and Jennifer Martinez | Lynne Maser | Christine I. Mason | and John Mathews and Sarah P. Mathews | Tom Mathieson and Barbara Mathieson | Diane Matza | Richard S. Dunning '98 and Eileen Mcclatchy | Kathie McGinty | Anne M. McGrail | Stephen S. McInerney and Lucindia F. McInerney | Susan L. Mckey | Timothy H. McNerney | David Meikle | Mark J. Garvin and Diane A. Menio | Dan J. Sharp and Dana S. Menussi | Angelo Merola and Christine Merola | Allon Percus and Karen Meyer-Roux | Carlin Meyer | William Meyer and Gale Meyer | Paul V. Mifsud and Sarah Mifsud | Stuart Breslow and Anne Miller | Asher Miller and Heather Miller | Nancy J. Miller | William L. Miller and Joan K. Jaffee | Thomas D. Mintz and Sophia L. Mintz | Joel P. Moerschel | Dave Morgan and Jill Morgan | Martin B. Mosbacher and Andrea Mosbacher | Claire Schoen and Stephen Most | Emmanuel Boyle and Carmel Murphy | Peter Nadin and Anne E. Kennedy | Sam Naficy | Cindy Nardella | Robert Nathan and Karen Nathan | Edward T. Naureckas and Sara M. Naureckas | Thomas Neely | Miriam Neuman | Kenneth L. Nichols '76 and Mary Nichols | Kevin Nolan and Ana Cerro | Michael E. Nolan and Rebecca M. Nolan | Mandy A. O'Hara | Antonio Olivo | Thelma Olsen | Charles G. Oviatt and Susan E. Oviatt | Josh Owen and Marsha N. Wittink | Bruce Paddock and Arliss Paddock | Kevin J. Padgett | David Paradis and Daisy Paradis | John E. Smedley and Carole A. Parker | Karen Parrinello and Vincent Parrinello | Matthew Fleury and Elise Passikoff | Jason Lannert and Suzanne Pelletier | Stephen Penman and Nancy Banks | Bernardo J. Perez-Ramirez and Mariana C. Castells | Matthew Perkins and Jennifer Isaacs | Bryan D. Perrin and Susan D. Shaftan-Perrin | Hart Perry and Dana H. Perry | David C. Petty and Lucy H. Patton | Charles Phillips and Maureen Langloss | Stephen Pirozzi | Alec B. Platt and Gretchen K. Platt | Ronald Podell and Mayda Podell | David Posner | Joan Powers | Lee Houghton and Amy Prince | Steven D. Quidone and Pauline M. Quidone | Ken Rabinowitz and Susan Rabinowitz | John Radman and Donna M. Radman | Martha Molinaro and Whitney J. Redding | Thomas A. Reed and Sarah B. Reed | Joseph Reisert and Susan Reisert | Stewart Resnick and Lynda Resnick | Jeremy Reynolds and Colleen Conway | Irwin Richman and M. Susan Richman | Pamela S. Richter and William L. Richter | Charles H. Rigg and Nancy J. Snudden | Joe Risse and Sharon Risse | David Robertson and Lisa Robertson | Jason T. Robison and Anne S. Robison | David W. Jacobowitz '65 and Linda Rodd | Lynne V. Rosen | Lee Roussel and Andre Roussel | Karen Ruddy | Alicia Ruiz | Connie Ryan | Clayton Saccomanno and Kari Saccomanno | Richard P. Olson and Kris H. Sahonchik | Gilbert E. Sanders | James Sandler and Gretchen Iverson Sandler | James P. Sarfaty and Nora M. Sarfaty | Michael S. Satow and Barbara M. Satow | Richard B. Barber and Ann H. Schaetzel | Leigh Scharfe | Marc Schneider and Jodi Schneider | David L. Schroedel and Rebecca Y. Schroedel | Ori A. Schwartzburg and Deborah G. Shulevitz | Harry Sunshine '76 and Susan Schwimmer | Charlie Scott-Spencer and Becky Scott | Marylou Seger | John Setlik and Shannen Setlik | Catriona Shafer and Gurdon R. Miller | Terry W. Shamsie and Nanette Hasette | Scott S. Dionne and Peishan Shieh | John D. Shyer and Marsha A. Shyer | Tom J. Shykula | Ian Chorao and Sylvia Sichel | Jim Siegel and Michelle Wheeler | Jenny A. Siegel | Christopher E. Silva and Grace B. Silva | H. Lawrence Singband | Ellen Sinson | Andrea D. Davis '74 and Warren D. Slafer | Robert J. Smythe and Susan D. Smythe | Maggie Cammer and Joan Snyder | Claudia E. Sobral '89 and Julio R. Sobral | Louis Sorell and Jeannie Sorell | Dale F. Sorenson and Heidi C. Sorenson | James Sottile and Noell H. Sottile | Arthur Soyk and Donna Soyk | Robert E. Spadaccia | Samir Khare and Viiu Spangler Khare | Evan Specter | Jack Spielberg and Sarah Seaver | Warren E. Spielberg and Rina E. Rinkewich Spielberg | David J. Weiner and Tija A. Spitsberg | Sergio A. Spodek and Celina R. Pipman | Michael P. Steinberg | Ronnie Stern | Ed T. Stevens and Robin G. Isserles | Nathan Dupree and Sarah Stevenson | Elizabeth Stewart | Janet Strain and Larry Fuchsman | Christopher Swain | Martin Oltmanns and Lilja Szekessy | Thomas Tarpey and Carolyn King | Emily Tarsell | Anna J. Bloomer '87 and Daniel Tessier | Nicholas S. Thacher | Ashley C. Thompson | Moira Eva Lewandowski and Nathan Thompson | William I. Tilles and Kathy Berliner | Arthur Djang and Stella Ting | David M. Traub and Carrie C. Traub | James Turner and Sean Turner | Robert A. Goldfarb '59 and Beth M. Uffner | Neville Vakharia and Lisa Riley | Roy Van Driesche and Sheila J. Marks | Mary Vandernoot Cox | Hugo K. VanGeem and Jennifer P. VanGeem | Kimberly Venable | Robert A. Vermylen and Mary B. Vermylen | Gianfranco Vidali and Carole Vidali | Alvaro Vivanco and Kate H. Vivanco | John von Brachel and Susan von Brachel | Jamie A. von Klemperer and Alison M. von Klemperer | Kristi Wallace Knight | Kurt Walser and Ednah Locke-Walser | Lucien A. Walsh and Kirsten I. Walsh | Lulu Wang | Megan Wanlass Szalla | Virginia S. Warner | Jeffrey S. Warren and Betsy A. Garofalo | Richard W. Waugaman | Daniel J. Webb and Joanne D. Webb | Benjamin L. Weber and Kara B. Weber | David Weil and Miriam W. Weil | Margaret E. Foxweldon and Leonard L. Weldon | Diane Wells | Mark Whitener and Sarah Whitener | Rolf Karlstrom and Paige Wilder | Brian P. Wiles-Young and Sharon L. Wiles-Young | Timothy Williams and Monica Williams | Ruth Willner and Michael B. Willner | Karen Winkler | Joan S. Wise | Peter P. Wolf and Robin A. Wolf | William D. Hamel '84 and Juliet D. Wolff | Craig T. Woodard and Martha E. Woodard | Mitch M. Woolery and Cindi M. Woolery | Rusty W. Wortham | Sharon Yeung | Dale Young and James Young | David C. Young | Lisa R. Zablocki and Benjamin Zablocki | Michael G. Zahn and Deborah H. Zahn | Xu Zhang and Qian Han | Xinsong Zhao and Lina Wang |
Bard Family Network
Bard College
30 Campus Road
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504
Tel: 1-845-758-7316