November 2024
News for Bard 
Families & Friends

Dear Families,

We were thrilled to welcome so many Bard community members to campus for Family and Alumni/ae Weekend to enjoy an action packed event schedule and some of the best fall weather the Hudson Valley has to offer. Special thanks to Bard parents, Jane and Richard Leider, for hosting the Family Leadership Council meeting over the weekend. The recordings of the weekend’s live streamed events can be found here.

Tuesday was Election Day and a timely documentary premiered at Bard on Monday evening showcasing the challenges Bard students have faced in protecting their right to vote. A Poll to Call Our Own: The Bard Voting Story chronicles the quarter-century fight at Bard over student voting rights, a period during which Bard students and administrators, with the support of groups like the Andrew Goodman Foundation and the New York Civil Liberties Union, won four lawsuits—three state and one federal—to protect students’ right to vote locally and to secure a polling place on the Bard campus. Bard’s experience helped inspire New York State to pass a law in 2022 mandating polling places at or near college campuses that have 300 or more registered on-campus voters. A post election panel titled “The 2024 Election: A Community Discussion about What Happened and What’s Next” is being held this evening in the MPR at 6:30PM.

The Career Development Team hosted its first BardWorks Boost Camp of the academic year in October, providing students the opportunity to explore their unique skills and interests as they relate to their career paths. Participants practiced translating their talents into effective resumes and cover letters while developing strategies to network with peers and Bard alumni/ae. 

The Bard community is currently celebrating its second annual First-Generation College Celebration Week from November 4 to November 8. All students, faculty and staff are invited to participate. Please encourage your student to attend if they can. 

One of my favorite things about the fall semester at Bard is the International Student Cultural (ISO) Show. The ISO is one of the largest student clubs on campus and brings the Bard community together each November to celebrate the diverse cultures and traditions represented on the Bard College campus through dance, song and music. The performance will take place on November 24 at 7pm at Sosnoff Theater in the Fisher Center for the Performing Arts.

Bardian and proud,

Mackie Siebens ‘12
Assistant Director of Development for Family Programs | 845-758-7316

P.S. Please contact me for more information about getting engaged with the Bard Family Network or the Family Leadership Council!

Dates to Remember

Thursday, November 28, 2024 through Sunday, December 1, 2024  |  Thanksgiving Recess (classes end at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27)

Friday, December 6, 2024  |  Last Day to Withdraw from a Class

Monday, December 9, 2024  |  Senior Projects Due

Wednesday, December 11, 2024  |  Advising Day

Thursday, December 12, 2024  |  Registration for Spring Classes Opens

Monday, December 16, 2024 through Friday, December 20, 2024 | Completion Days—Regular Classes and Final Exams (all students and faculty remain on campus)

Friday, December 20, 2024  |  Last Day of fall Classes (fall semester ends)

Tuesday, January 21, 2025  |  Arrival Day, Check-in, and Financial Clearance for Spring Transfer Students

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 through Friday, January 24, 2025  |  Transfer Student Language and Thinking Program

Saturday, January 25, 2025  |  Check-in and Financial Clearance for All Returning Students

Monday, January 27, 2025  |  First Day of Spring Classes

For the full 2024-2025 academic calendar, click here.

Family Leadership Council

Members of the Family Leadership Council (FLC) play a leadership role in the Bard community through a range of activities. FLC members develop and participate in on-campus and regional recruiting and mentoring events, promote and provide career opportunities for students, and participate in peer-to-peer fundraising. Parents on the FLC play a role in the success of the Bard College Fund through annual gifts. The Family Leadership Council meets twice each year: once during Family Weekend in the fall and once in the spring. These meetings are open so all Bard families are welcome to attend. 

Interested in joining or have questions? Contact Mackie Siebens '12, Assistant Director of Development for Family Programs, at or 845-758-7316.


Election@Bard, November 2023. Photo by Jonathan Asiedu ’24 Election@Bard, November 2023. Photo by Jonathan Asiedu ’24

Election Day on Bard’s Campus Featured in Inside Higher Ed

Bard College, now in its fifth year of having a consistent polling site on its Annandale campus, was featured in Inside Higher Ed in a report about how campuses and faculty across the country are handling classes on Election Day. Today, a group of professors at Bard are opening their classrooms for discussions about the importance of democracy, and are joining attendees for a walk to the campus polling site to support those who are voting.

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Still from <em>A Poll to Call Our Own: The Bard Voting Story</em>. Courtesy of Seamus Heady ’22 Still from A Poll to Call Our Own: The Bard Voting Story. Courtesy of Seamus Heady ’22

A Poll to Call Our Own: The Bard Voting Story, New Short Film Premieres on November 4 at Bard College

The public premiere of the Open Society University Network’s documentary film, A Poll to Call Our Own: The Bard Voting Story, was followed by a discussion with key actors, including Sarah deVeer ’17, Jonian Rafti ’15, Seamus Heady ’22 (producer/director), lawyer Yael Bromberg, Bard Vice President for Civic Engagement Erin Cannan, and Bard Vice President for Academic Affairs Jonathan Becker.

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The WXBC station logo The WXBC station logo

WXBC Director Liam Dwyer ’26 Interviewed About Tape Decks in the New York Times

The New York Times interviewed Bard student and WXBC director Liam Dwyer ’26 for an article about the revival of tape decks. Modern artists have increasingly been releasing their music on cassette, capitalizing on listeners with old cars as well as younger music fans who are discovering cassettes for the first time. One of them is Dwyer, who originally got interested in cassettes because of how musical artists use tapes in experimental music.

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Still from <em>Valve Turners</em>. Photo courtest of Climate Film Fest Still from Valve Turners. Photo courtest of Climate Film Fest

Film by Steve Bonds-Liptay MS ’10 Valve Turners Wins Climate Action Award

Valve Turners, a documentary feature film directed and produced by Steve Bonds-Liptay MS ’10, premiered and won the Climate Action Award in this year’s Climate Film Fest. Valve Turners follows a small group of activists from the Pacific Northwest as they turn the valves and halt the flow of five oil pipelines entering the United States from Canada to spotlight the climate emergency.

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Bard College students doing microbial violacein textile dying in Professor Jude’s Biology 111: Microbes in the Environment class. Photo by Wais Kakarr ’26 Bard College students doing microbial violacein textile dying in Professor Jude’s Biology 111: Microbes in the Environment class. Photo by Wais Kakarr ’26

Brooke Jude and Robert Todd Receive Grant to Support an Undergraduate Research Experience in Microbial Mapping

Bard Associate Professor of Biology Brooke Jude and Bard Assistant Professor of Biology Robert Todd have received a $34,000 grant in support of the PLUMM Project, Project-based Learning for Undergraduates in Microbial Mapping, which will provide undergraduate students from both SUNY Dutchess and Bard College with an immersive, collaborative research opportunity in January.

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Bard College President Leon Bostein with Dame Louise Richardson, President of the Carnegie Corporation, visiting Bard High School Early College Manhattan. Photo by Filip Wolak Bard College President Leon Bostein with Dame Louise Richardson, President of the Carnegie Corporation, visiting Bard High School Early College Manhattan. Photo by Filip Wolak

Carnegie Corporation Awards Bard Early College $1.5 Million Grant to Expand Access to Early College in NYC

Bard Early College is pleased to announce it has received a $1.5 million grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York to support two new early college campuses in New York City. The philanthropic grant will support Bard Early College’s ambitious expansion of access to early college education as it ramps up enrollment at these two new campuses.

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October Supporters

Thank you to Bard families and friends who supported Bard in September. We are grateful for your generosity to the College! #donorsmakedegreespossible

Anonymous (5) • Michael P. Altopp and Whitney L. Altopp • Carola C. Araya • George Barbatsuly and Tayra Barbatsuly • Anthony N. Thomann and Lauren M. Beatty • Josh Becker and Jonna Hunter • Ilya Levinson and Martine Benmann • John Bermingham and Marnie Bermingham • Stephana Bottom and Duncan M. Webb • Geraldine Brodsky • Andy J. Butler '17 • Thomas Cooke and Teresa Cooke • Genee Cosden-West • Warren A. Davis and Karen A. Schneider • Brian DeCubellis and Diana DeCubellis • Joerg Deerberg and Ellen L. Fisher-Deerberg • Bonnie T. Goad and Daniel Donohue • Rand Whipple and Anne Dowd • Gregory Fields and Rozanna Leo-Fields • Mark Franklin and Marnie Franklin • Paul M. Boocock and Peggy A. Grauwiler • Martin D. Green and Lizelle Green • John Griesemer • John A. Gromada and Barbara G. Cohig • Amar Gupta and Padmini Gupta • Kimberly L. Haas • Evan Hause and Maureen Hurd Hause • John P. Healey • Christopher Hope and Stephanie Hope • Roman M. Hrab and Jennifer Murray • Judith Joa • Joanna J. Jordan • Dan Junkins and Minette Junkins • Piotr Karpiak and Katarzyna Lesniak-Karpiak • Jane Kim • Jim Etkin and Kim Larsen • Murray D. Rosenblith and Carol E. Leven • Robert W. Lourie • Douglas Baz and Jill Lundquist • Jason Malinowski and Jennifer Malinowski • Robyn McColl • Kevin Miller • Taffy Miller • Les C. Montgomery and Melanie R. Maisey • Richard P. Olson and Kris H. Sahonchik • Jason P. Drucker '93 and Joseph Ortiz • Filippo Piscopo and Lorena Luciano • Catherine B. Poole and Anne D. McClintock • Timothy R. Price and Mary L. Price • Timothy Rehorst and Athena Rehorst • Jason T. Robison and Anne S. Robison • David W. Jacobowitz '65 and Linda Rodd • Lee Roussel and Andre Roussel • Michael Sauder and Jean M. Littlejohn • Joanne Schickerling • Frank J. Scott and Nancy K. Scott • Andrew Smith and Wendy Smith • Marci Soifer • Jack Spielberg and Sarah Seaver • Ryuichi Takahashi and Kammie Takahashi • Emily Tarsell • Jimmy A. Torres Garcia and Amy J. Torres Best • Marguerite Tucker • James M. Umstead and Kimberly J. Umstead • Thomas G. Urosevich and Lori L. Urosevich • Fred Martell and Judith Velosky-Martell • John von Brachel and Susan von Brachel • Alfonso Walker • Joseph L. Waxman and Vanessa T. Waxman • Jp P. Kiernan and Chloe R. Wheatley • Tomas Wise • David C. Young • Szilvi M. Zaray 

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