October 2024 Triangle
Issue 177
Dear Alumni/ae,
The scary season is upon us, so fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride. Thanks to everyone from the Affinity Groups who sent in their favorite horror movies, stories, books, and music for our social media.
Here in Annandale, we are just coming off an epic Family and Alumni/ae Weekend—the fall showcase of the best of Bard. This year I was both; my son Alberto is back on campus, driving around his 1994 Volvo, staking his claim to an unused carrel on the top floor of the library, but still coming home to do laundry.
Family and Alumni/ae Weekend drew 938 family members and 92 alumni/ae. (It really is one of my favorite weekends at Bard, I hope you will come sometime.) It's the best time to see your professors from way back when, hear and see what's new at Bard, meet the students, or taste apples and walk in the woods. You can see the full schedule here. Save the date for next year: October 24-26, 2025.
New this year—Bardian Birdians tour of the Tivoli Bays led by Board of Governors member Juliette Zicot '23. Thank you, Juliette! International students were special guests at the Alumni/ae Lunch and had a chance to share their stories and meet alumni/ae; there was an alumni/ae Tea with Leon at his house and the highly attended Hudson Valley Cities Party that was held right here, in the Anne Cox Chambers Alumni/ae Center. Thank you to our co-hosts of the Cities Party Catherine Dickert '94, Joel Griffith MFA '03, Bill Hamel '84 and Chad Kleitsch '91.
Thank you also to the alumni/ae who participated in the Spirits of Annandale Tour of the Bard Cemetery, where everyone had a chance to taste the homemade limoncello (Adolfas' recipe of course) and take home a souvenir shot glass.
And speaking of Cities Parties, there is one more to go this fall—in Portland, Oregon—on Tuesday, December 10th, 5:30-7:30, at the Steeplejack Brewing Company-Broadway.
November 4th - 8th is Bard's First Generation College Celebration Week. A week of events to highlight students, faculty and staff who are the first in their families to go to college. At Bard, approximately 15% of the student body identifies as first-generation. If you are first gen and would like to send a note of support, or share your story with the first-generation students in Annandale, please fill out this form here. They would love to hear from YOU! Thank you!
Classes ending in 0s and 5s—it’s your reunion! Save the date, May 23-25. If you would like to join your class committee, let us know.
And the Bard Career Network is up and running! We have partnered with the Career Development Office to bring all alumni/ae together to connect with current students, recent graduates, and fellow alums to develop your network, give advice, get advice, be a mentor, be a mentee, and much more. To date, over 900 Bardians have signed up, and students are about to join. If you have been waiting for an easy way to connect with fellow Bardians, or help students with life after Bard, this is it. Click here to sign up…be seeing you there.
Jane ’89
P.S. On campus we are working towards 100% voter participation from students. I hope we have 100% alumni/ae participation wherever you are! Send us your voting selfies to alumni@bard.edu and win some Bard merch.
P.P.S. On Monday, November 4th, at 5:00pm, Bard will host a screening and discussion for the public premiere of the documentary film, “A Poll to Call Our Own: The Bard Voting Story,” to be followed by a discussion with key actors, including Bard alumni/ae Sarah deVeer '17; Jonian Rafti '15, Seamus Heady '22 (producer/director), lawyer Yael Bromberg and Bard’s Vice President for Civic Engagement Erin Cannan and Vice President for Academic Affairs Jonathan Becker. The event will take place at the Weis Cinema in the Bertelsmann Campus Center and broadcast as a webinar for those who wish to attend virtually. Registration is required for the webinar.
Memorial Hall Dedication
We hope you can join us on November 11 as we rededicate the Old Gym at Bard, in honor and remembrance of alumni/ae, faculty, and staff who have served the country in armed services. Dedication and remarks will began at 11 am with a reception immediately following at the Schwab '52 Atrium in the Franklin W. Olin Humanities Building.
Please RSVP here.
Bard Holiday Party
The Bard College Alumni/ae Association invites you to the
Bard Alumni/ae Holiday Party
Thursday, December 5th
6:00-8:30 pm
60 Pine Street
New York, NY 10005
Register NOW.
Ticket prices:
Classes 2020-2024: $25
All other classes: $50
Your ticket includes complimentary beer and wine and light fare. Alumni/ae from the 50s, 60s and 70s will have access to a separate room, providing an opportunity to spend time with friends in a more quiet space.
After party: Killarney Rose (127 Pearl Street, New York, NY) 8:30 pm until - ?
Bard Alumna Joanna Haigood ’79 Honored with Dance Magazine Award
The 2024 Dance Magazine Awards honor Bard alumna Joanna Haigood ’79, alongside George Faison, Liz Lerman, Mavis Staines, Shen Wei, and Mikhail Baryshnikov, whose work with Baryshnikov Arts earned him the Chairman’s Award. The theme for this year’s awards is “the stage and beyond”—the dancers, choreographers, and educators recognized are invested in work that often transcends the proscenium.
Full StoryProfile of Gia Coppola ’09 in the Sunday Times
The Sunday Times profiled Bard alumna Gia Coppola ’09, whose feature film The Last Showgirl premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September. Coppola spoke about her family, her path toward being a director, and how the film and Pamela Anderson's casting in it came together like a “divine intervention."
Full StoryFilm by Steve Bonds-Liptay MS ’10 Valve Turners Wins Climate Action Award
Valve Turners, a documentary feature film directed and produced by Steve Bonds-Liptay MS ’10, premiered and won the Climate Action Award in this year’s Climate Film Fest. Valve Turners follows a small group of activists from the Pacific Northwest as they turn the valves and halt the flow of five oil pipelines entering the United States from Canada to spotlight the climate emergency.
Full StoryBard Alumni/ae Rosa Polin ’16 and Ryan Rusiecki ’20 Featured in Cultured Magazine’s List of Young Photographers 2024
Bard alumni/ae Rosa Polin ’16 and Ryan Rusiecki ’20, graduates of the photography program, have been featured in Cultured magazine’s Young Photographers 2024, a list highlighting the next generation of image makers who have dedicated themselves to photography as an art form.
Full StoryTEDxBard Organizer Emily O’Rourke ’25 Shares Her Lessons Learned from Organizing a Conference
Emily O’Rourke ’25 shared her experiences working on Bard’s TEDx organizing team in an article for Bard CCE News. TEDx events are independently organized conferences that bring together speakers to give short talks with the aim of sparking conversation and change. The upcoming TEDxBard conference, "Building Bridges," will focus on topics from structural issues in the global coffee supply chain to building a sustainable lifestyle.
Full StoryWXBC Director Liam Dwyer ’26 Interviewed About Tape Decks in the New York Times
The New York Times interviewed Bard student and WXBC director Liam Dwyer ’26 for an article about the revival of tape decks. Modern artists have increasingly been releasing their music on cassette, capitalizing on listeners with old cars as well as younger music fans who are discovering cassettes for the first time. One of them is Dwyer, who originally got interested in cassettes because of how musical artists use tapes in experimental music.
Full StorySeptember Supporters
Thank you to all of our alumni/ae who supported the College in September! #donorsmakedegreespossible
Coleen M. Alexander '00 and Matthew Alexander • Robert Amsterdam '53 and Marcia Amsterdam • Claire Angelozzi '74 • Susan Bass '69 • Hannah Becker '11 • Lynn Behrendt '81 • Jeannette G. Benham '12 • Jennifer Bennett '84 • Paddy F. Bentz '13 • Johnny J. Brennan '10 and Amy Monaco '06 • Jane A. Brien '89 and Stewart Verrilli • Matthew L. Brophy '02 • J.C. C. Brotherhood '78 • Michael Burgevin '10 • Matthew D. Cameron '04 and Meredith Danowski • Tammar L. Cancer '17 • Mary E. Caponegro '78 • Jordan Caress-Wheelwright '04 • Lindsay Carr '06 and John Carr '08 • Linda G. Cassidy '78 • Raimondo Chiari '03 • Anastasia Christman '90 • Ann S. Cleary '01 • Noah T. Coleman '92 • Gary N. Comorau '68 • Miles B. Conant '12 • Bill J. Cook '08 • Ben W. Coonley '03 • Anibal Cortes '08 • Andrew O. Cortrite '12 • Peter J. Criswell '89 • Ariane A. Cruz '16 • Arnold J. Davis '44 • Sophie M. Davis '14 • Timothy M. Davis '91 and Lisa Sanditz • Gordon Davis '13 • Nicole M. de Jesus '94 • Jason P. Drucker '93 and Joseph Ortiz • Malia Du Mont '95 • Nancy L. Edelstein '48 • Nolan G. English '13 • Mark L. Feinsod '94 • Jack Fenn '76 • LePerry Fore '13 • Jennifer M. Gaudioso '95 • Kevin Gentle '15 • Tristan D. Golas '01 • Sam Q. Grabowski-Clark '22 • Sallie E. Gratch '57 and Alan S Gratch • Catherine A. Grillo '82 • Daphne Grosett-Ryan '66 • Mikaela Gross '07 • Alexander S. Habiby '18 • Martha A. Hart '04 • Tanessa S. Hartwig '95 • Kaythee Hlaing-Kastenberg '06 • Tom Hunter '74 • David W. Jacobowitz '65 and Linda Rodd • Bill K. Johannes '70 • Meghan Jordan '07 • Eben I. Kaplan '03 • Zack Kenner '06 • Max J. Kenner '01 and Sarah L Botstein • Maud L. Kersnowski Sachs '86 • Elliot B. Korte '14 • Jake E. Lester '20 • Jeff A. Levy '67 • Cynthia Levy '65 • Claire H. Lindsay '21 • Beppe Lovoi '04 • Tom M. Maiello '82 • Sara E. Mannheimer '03 • Sarah Martino '07 • Jon Massey '85 • Golden E. McCarthy '05 • Emily E. McNair '03 • Mollie G. Meikle '03 and Nathan J Smith • Delia C. Mellis '86 • Ryan Mesina '06 • Claire E. Michie '02 • Abby Miles-Ruttenberg '13 • Morgan E. Miller '95 • Grayson J. Morley '13 • Sarah M. Mosbacher '04 • Nadine B. Muniz Boston '14 • Patrick K. Murtagh '07 • Rachel K. Nalecz '18 • Kerri-Ann Norton '04 • Jenn Novik '98 • Zoe Noyes '10 • Riel M. Paley '99 • Chris Pennington '87 • Claire Phelan '11 • Tamara (Tatia) Pilieva '01 • Michael S. Pledger '21 • Tamara C. Plummer '02 • David L. Procuniar '93 and Susannah J Slocum '99 • Derek K. Rawlings '05 • Emma R. Ressel '16 • Steven B. Richards '72 • Richard Rivera '21 • Katheryn J. Ross-Winnie '02 • Esteban Rubens '97 and Susan E D'Agostino '91 • Shane Salmon '08 • Louise A. Sarezky '66 • Thomas Schell '06 • Robin Schmidt '07 and Kate Hardy '07 • Martha Schwartz Bragin '68 • Lis A. Semel '72 • Maro R. Sevastopoulos '00 • Alix M. Shafer '78 and Denis Duman • Bryan G. Shelton '98 • Audrey M. Smith '78 • George A. Smith '82 • Lindsay A. Stanley '12 • Janet Stetson '81 • Claire K. Surovell '84 • Steven B. Tatum '12 • Christian Te Bordo '99 and Kathryn Te Bordo '99 • Lynn Tepper '74 • Maxwell R. Toth '22 • Angel T. Tueros '13 • Joe Vallese '04 • Alan M. Wallack '65 and Robin Liebmann Wallack '67 • Andrea B. Weiskopf '95 • David Weiss '86 and Martina Arfwidson • Ato Williams '12 • Joseph Williams '13 • David H. Young '66
As you consider your year-end giving, we invite you to make a gift to Bard that will help advance our programs far into the future.
Office of Alumni/ae Affairs
Anne Cox Chambers Alumni/ae Center
PO Box 5000
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504
Tel: 845-758-7089