“Snakes, Scrolls, Swinging from Chandeliers”: Artist Carolee Shneemann ’59 Profiled in the Guardian
Carolee Schneemann, Eye Body: 36 Transformative Actions for Camera, 1963. Gelatin silver print, printed 2005 61 × 50.8 cm. Photograph by Erró. Courtesy of the Carolee Schneemann Foundation and Galerie Lelong & Co., Hales Gallery, and P.P.O.W, New York and © Carolee Schneemann Foundation / ARS, New York and DACS, London 2022. Photograph Erró © ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2022
Novelist Stephanie LaCava profiles her friend, multidisciplinary artist, and Bard studio arts alumna Carolee Shneemann ’59 for the Guardian. Shneemann (1939–2019) was among the founding artists of the Judson Dance Theater, alongside the late Trisha Brown and Aileen Passloff (Professor Emerita of Dance at Bard). Shneemann created boundary-breaking, embodied art that included kinetic theater, film, photography, sculpture, and writing, however, she always considered herself a painter. While in her lifetime, gallery representation and critical recognition was elusive, her legacy is receiving more attention. “Postmortem, the accolades come fast for Carolee. They were never so forthcoming when she was still pushing the limits of earthbound energy, inhabiting her body,” writes LaCava. “Body Politics,” the first UK survey of Schneemann’s work, is on view at the Barbican in London until January 8, 2023.
Post Date: 09-13-2022
Post Date: 09-13-2022