We are no longer accepting Community Waitlist Applications for the Children's Center (3s program) for fall of 2025.
We ARE accepting Community Waitlist Applications for the Nursery School (PreK program) for entry in fall of 2005.
At the bottom of this page, please fill out an Enrollment Form if you are a benefited Bard Employee, or a Community Waitlist Application if you are not affiliated with Bard but would like to be put on our wait list.
Who is Eligible?
The program is designed to be a two-year experience for children ages 3, 4, and 5.
We serve children during the preschool years before they are eligible for Kindergarten. Due to limited space and licensing constraints, we are not able to accept children early (children must turn 3 years old before Dec.1st) and are not able to keep children beyond 2 years (once they are age eligible for Kindergarten).
Enrollment Procedures
Thank you for your interest in our program.
- Due to the number of calls and emails we receive with questions about the program, we follow a consistent enrollment procedure.
- Children are not placed on enrollment lists or waitlist through phone call inquiries or email correspondence.
- Enrollment starts by submitting a registration form to our Program Directors, Nora Painten or Kristine Williams
- Registration forms can be submitted anytime after the birth of your child.
Preschool for Bard Faculty & Staff
- The preschool curriculum block (8:30-11:30) is offered as an employee benefit for Bard faculty and staff. During the curriculum block (8:30-11:30) there is no tuition fee, thanks to the commitment of Bard College to support Early Education on campus.
- The preschool employee benefit cannot be transferred to other settings and cannot be extended for children who are not age eligible. The benefit cannot be extended beyond the two year preschool experience.
- The afternoon program which includes lunch, rest, play and projects is designed as an extended day service and is supported by tuition.
Enrollment Requirements
- Children must be three years old by December 1st to enroll in the first year of preschool.
- Children must be enrolled a minimum of 3 days per week to participate in the program and must sign up for a consistent schedule (we do not provide drop in services).
- Parents visit in the spring preceding their child’s entry. During this first visit parents tour the school with the Director, observe the program in action and ask questions. Parents can complete registration paper work over the summer.
- Orientation appointments and small group visits are scheduled before school starts to help children & families become acquainted with the teachers and new environment before the first day.
- Families must have completed all registration paper work -family information form, medical form documenting child’s immunizations, lead and T.B. tests (if indicated) and physical exam prior to starting school.
Enrollment Forms
Bard Employees can use the online form below to register their child for one of our programs.
For the Community waitlist please fill out this form and submit your $25 application fee. (CLOSED FOR 24 - 25)